
Having a wise corporate strategy is integral for the success of any business. Nowadays, modern companies are confronted with uncertainty as new advanced technologies emerge and trends change pretty fast. To keep up with the competition and survive among other companies present on the market, businesses across various industries choose to digitize their processes with the help of outsourcing provider to minimize risks, reduce costs, boost their performance, and provide top-notch experiences to clients and employees.

Facts About IT Outsourcing

Outsourcing means finding and hiring a third-party service provider to deal with certain tasks that are beyond the capabilities of the in-house team. Recently, the practice of working with external service providers has grown into a trend as it brings a number of benefits to the outsourcers.

Facts About IT Outsourcing
  1. Onshore – you are looking for third-party services in your own country
  2. Nearshore – hiring from the neighboring countries
  3. Offshore – working with distant countries
    In addition to this, outsourcing strategies are usually grouped into the following categories:
  • Professional Outsourcing: your company lacks mobile app developers, so you decide to outsource the professionals who can fill in the gap and provide their services.
    IT Outsourcing: nowadays, small or large companies in any field have IT needs (infrastructure, software development, maintenance, support, etc.). It's usually cheaper to contact a third-party IT service rather than build your own to deal with certain functions.
  • Multisourcing: this strategy means hiring IT services in combination with other business functions.
    Manufacturer Outsourcing: if you want to produce products under your brand, you might look for a company (manufacturer) that already has all the necessary equipment and is capable of providing you services.
    Process-Specific Outsourcing: means hiring an outsourcing team that specializes in a narrow or specific service.
  • Project Outsourcing: you have too many projects, and you cannot complete all of them, so you look for a company that will deal with one or a number.


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