

    According to recent statistics, the global healthcare CRM market is currently valued at $17.9 billion but is expected to gain $30.7 billion by 2030. One of the reasons for this rapid growth rate is the increasing demand for easily accessible data, as well as the increasingly streamlined business processes across multiple sectors, including healthcare.

    In this blog, we will delve into the basics of healthcare CRM development, including its features and key benefits. We’ll also take a closer look at the healthcare CRM development process at large.

    Demand for structured data

    The rising demand for structured data and automation in healthcare is expected to continue fueling market growth. It is currently slated at a compound annual growth rate  (CAGR) of 7.7%. You can see the effects of this in the increase in technological advancements in the sector. Features like AI integration in CRM solutions continue to be introduced in an effort to further improve software effectiveness and drive much wider adoption and digitalization. Another factor to take into account is the increasing awareness of the need to improve customer experience across all industries, including healthcare — further fueling the adoption of CRM in healthcare.

    Demand for structured data



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