How customers perceive their interactions with your brand has become a primary focus for businesses. Kustomer is a NY-based company helping brands provide better customer experience. They’ve raised around $38.5 million in funding for a modern platform that provides an omnichannel customer experience.

Their solution combines everything you know about your consumers with a powerful process engine so your team can deliver faster, more proactive service. Kustomer team approached BrainX to build an android SDK for their growing customer base.



Kustomer and BrainX teams partnered up to build the android SDK with the same features as their existing iOS SDK. Our technical team analyzed the iOS SDK thoroughly and initiated the development accordingly. A robust android SDK was built within a short span of 2 months.



The solution we built is a chat sdk especially developed for customer experience, service & support. It is designed to enable customers to chat with brand’s support team from within the mobile app. It supports both logged in and anonymous chats.

Fully customizable style & font, it’s easy to match SDK’s Mobile Chat to client application’s brand. For localization, 48 languages are pre-built into the SDK. Through SDK, we have managed user communication with support teams, automated conversational messaging, media sharing, and pro-active messaging



Companies like Ring, Glossier, Slice, and others trust their most important relationships with Kustomer. Glovo, one of the leading startups in Europe with over 5 million users manages its customer support through Kustomer's chat SDKs. With the addition of the Android SDK, these companies are now able to reach more customers and be able to grow their business by providing an exceptional customer experience. Kustomer has raised $113.5M in funding so far.

Tools & Technologies

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Kotlin
  • Swift
  • Figma
  • Miro
  • AWS

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    Momentary Ink was looking to streamline their online buyers’ experience for the Spring/Summer season as they were facing quite a lot of challenges from both the Front-end and Backend sides of their system.

    From the frontend side, they were facing the following issues:
    The website pages were taking more than the normal time to load, which was impacting the overall site’s performance.
    There were notable glitches and bugs on the web pages that were not only spoiling the user experience but were also making the site look cheaper. The site was not properly optimized for mobile devices. They wanted to get some of their web pages revamped in terms of design and functionality, so the overall customer experience could be enhanced.

    Whereas, from the backend side, they had the following issues: Whenever a new order was created, it was redirected to the designers, who would convert them into high-resolution vector images. The records for all these orders were uploaded into cloud storage, which eventually maxed out. Momentary Ink used two servers to support its backend operations. Unfortunately, one of these two servers went down. So, they needed a new server that could imitate the functionality of the lost one.



    Momentary Ink approached BrainX to solve this problem for them. Our teams sat down together to study the case and brainstorm ideas to provide the best solution for their e-commerce store. The idea was to refine the website experience, from both frontend and backend aspects, so that a better user experience could be created for their customers in the future.



    Our team worked hard to finally solve all the errors that Momentary Ink was facing in its online operations. For Frontend issues, our team:

    Optimized the speed of all the web pages of the site, which improved their search engine ranking. Eliminated major glitches that were jeopardizing the frontend user experience.Made all the web pages highly optimized for mobile devices.

    Moreover, our team used the A/B testing method while re-designing the pages. In this method, two different variants of each page were created and were presented to different customers – whichever page performed better (in terms of sales) was then finalized for the site.
    For Backend issues, our team Erased all the unnecessary data related to older customer orders, thus freeing up a lot of space in the cloud for newer data. Created a new server by mimicking the operations of the existing server and successfully integrated it with the system.



    The end product was quite useful for Momentary Ink, as it not only streamlined their backend operations but also improved their customer experience, which was apparent in the form of the site’s visitor count. 

    So, now the company could offer its customers a platform that provided

    • Pleasant design
    • Easy navigation between pages
    • Convenient check-out options
    • Better customer support

    Tools & Technologies

    • Shopify
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Javascript
    • Liquid
    • NodeJS

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      WorkOf’s showrooms were already pretty popular in the masses, but as they say, “sky is the limit”, the team wanted to move up their game a few steps ahead.

      The plan was to create something that will help the next generations of skillful crafters reach the market in a much effective and efficient manner, and what’s a better way to do so than by using the internet? So, based on an ever-increasing trend in online consumerism, they decided to go fully online.

      Even though WorkOf had a functional e-commerce store previously built for maintaining an online presence, but it wasn’t a deal-breaker. So, the team decided to re-launch by jumping-in with a grand e-commerce store built with advanced features that may prove to be a game-changer for the company.



      To pull off this superb idea, team WorkOf contacted BrainX to deliver their unmatched services. The basic idea here was to create an automated flow of information between designers and consumers in a highly interactive mode, making the platform equipped with the following functionalities: Automated notification process for both designers and customers to streamline communications. Exclusive profiles for designers to showcase their products in the most attractive way possible. Enhanced UI for a better customer and vendor experience.



      After their preliminary examination of the previous store, our experts at BrainX found out that it was built by using an older version of ROR (Ruby on Rails). Keeping in mind the higher customizability of this framework and the potential needs of WorkOf, the team decided to use the “Solidus Framework” which is also based on ROR. More so, using the same framework platform allowed our teams to smoothly migrate the old data, saving up a lot of our time. After that, our professionals streamlined the communications by creating an automated notification process. Whereby, 

      • The designers will get instantly notified via email whenever the customers place any orders. 
      • The customers will receive automated receipts and other order-related information in their emails. 
      • The customers will be able to track their orders conveniently. 



      WorkOf ultimately achieved their goal of having a top of the rate online store for contemporary interior design items. The company grew at a fast pace in its first few months, and it now houses 300+ design objects from over 40 leading designers. The platform aided the designers and customers with the following: Single and convenient spot with numerous design items. Much more accessibility than offline stores. Higher number of sales due to an increased reach.

      Tools & Technologies

      • Figma
      • Miro
      • ROR
      • AWS

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        Non-adherence to medication claims the lives of about 125,000 people each year. Medesto was created to address this medicine adherence issue, saving lives and improving health outcomes. The project “Medesto” is an evolved form of an earlier solution named Tespo. Tespo's integrated, in-home technology has helped reinvent the vitamin by introducing a new category of nutritional supplements.

        At the touch of a button, Tespo's patent-pending customized Pods and WiFi-connected vitamin dispenser delivered a personalized liquid vita-shot. This whole system was connected to a smartphone app that helped track every intake of the patient. As a consequence, people were able to take their vitamins on a regular basis, track their progress, and obtain better results.



        On the product side, there was a concern that some vita-shots tasted so bitter that the patients were unable to engulf them. So, the need for Medesto arose. In this new solution, the concept was almost the same, but they pivoted the liquid part back to pills (but the ones that could easily be swallowed). Pods and dispensers would give out these pills, and the app would track the patient's adherence.

        So, Team BrainX, on the basis of their previous great performance, was given the task of revamping the mobile app & dashboard as per the new product model. Thus, without letting a moment slip, Team BrainX collected all the requirements thoroughly, and a team of our seasoned mobile & web app developers was assigned to the project.

        Medesto's design team provided us with their latest designs and then our core mobile development team went in to successfully implement those designs while ensuring that all builds were solid, paying particular attention to the accuracy of the adherence tracker APIs.



        Our team had the challenge of shifting the vita-shot model to a pill intake model altogether. More so, with the new app coming up, it required some enhanced features as well. Our team, as always, gave in their best efforts and was successful in creating a multi-featured app that can revolutionize the way people take their medication. 

        Here are some notable features that we successfully delivered:

        • Patients can check real-time data for medication adherence and overall health
        • Health trackers like Fitbit can be linked with the app
        • A patient can add Caregivers, Physicians, and other fellow patients to their profile to help monitor and improve medication adherence behavior
        • In-app and Push Notifications for reminders and follow-up schedules
        Features on the Admin Dashboard:
        • A thorough listing of all the patients
        • Patient grouping on the basis of commonalities
        • Adherence data of all the patients

        Nonetheless, BrainX is continuously developing new features for the Medesto app & dashboard, making the system more robust & useful for both patients & pharmacies.


        As per public statistics, medication adherence is roughly 50% for those with numerous chronic illnesses. Around 45 percent of people may not properly comprehend how to take their prescription, while another 20% encounter negative effects and discontinue use. 

        However, Medesto is now proudly helping people simplify these medication adherence problems. According to internal research, the Medesto Health Platform increased prescription adherence by 40% by sending reminders to platform users and enabling the participation of caregivers.

        Tools & Technologies

        • ANDROID
        • IOS
        • KOTLIN
        • SWIFT
        • Figma
        • Miro
        • PHP

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          REAL ESTATE


          Coldwell Banker Select is one of Oklahoma's leading Real Estate companies that houses thousands of real estate agents. As a fast-expanding company, CBS faced trouble with its agent onboarding processes. Most of the company's onboarding operations, like welcome messages, sales scripts, case history documents, property ownership documents, official letters, and training material were being shared in an unstandardized way, i.e., via personal emails, online chatting apps, etc.

          So, they came up with an idea to build a mobile application that could simplify and standardize the onboarding and communication process while also serving as a coaching/learning and development platform. This is where the excellence of BrainX came in, and we were given the task of breathing life into this idea.
          REAL ESTATE


          Since this was a new idea and the client needed a custom platform built from scratch, the biggest challenge for us was to grasp the whole concept thoroughly and not miss any essential attributes. For that purpose, a series of in-depth calls took place where we keenly asked critical questions, analyzed the exact need of their system, and then moved towards devising a plausible application structure that could serve its purpose.

          Basically, LevelUp was required to be used as a real estate agent management and tracking application. The client needed it to be a centralized portal where they could onboard and coach their agents while also tracking their learning progress and overall work performance. Thus, Team BrainX dedicated its best design and development resources to the project and hopped on for work without wasting a moment.

          REAL ESTATE


          After putting their optimum efforts and keeping in mind the precise requirements of Coldwell Banker Select, our development gurus successfully created a platform that lived up to its name. A fully functional and ready-to-use app was created that was available for web and mobile users. For the web app, the Ruby-On-Rails framework was used. While for the mobile apps, iOS and Android frameworks were used.
          The final product included the following main features:
          • Agent Onboarding
          • Agent Training (Pre-defined & Custom Training Modules - both text and video-based)
          • Manager to Agent task-assignment
          • Self task-assignment for Agents
          • Goal Tracking & Analytics
          • Content Generation for sharing outside the app. (CBS & LevelUp branded frames for property images to be shared on social media and other avenues)

          Other than these features, Team BrainX is now working on Agent Rewards and Recognition functionality that will help the managers drive more results while motivating their agents constructively.
          REAL ESTATE


          LevelUp Coaching was so successful for Coldwell Banker Select that they decided to market this platform as a product and started pitching it to other real estate organizations. (Of course, upon their wish, we built the multi-tenant functionality to add more than one organization on the platform).

          This venture also gained much popularity, and fortunately, a lot of new companies subscribed for LevelUp Coaching due to its fantastic utility. More so, to make the platform more community-friendly, we instigated a new functionality of "Shared Content Library." This library allows organizations to share their exclusive training material with the rest of the community to enhance industry learning and growth.
          Overall, LevelUp Coaching was a success for not only its parent company but for the rest of the industry as well.

          Tools & Technologies

          • Android
          • iOS
          • Kotlin
          • Swift
          • Figma
          • Miro

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            BallrNFT, a client in the digital art industry, approached BrainX Technologies with the opportunity to develop a proprietary NFT marketplace. The client's goal was to create a platform where sellers and buyers could trade NFTs, integrating popular cryptocurrency wallets such as MetaMask and Coinbase. 

            The unique aspect of the marketplace was the inclusion of both 2D and 3D design NFTs in a single mint, providing a comprehensive selling and purchasing experience.


            BrainX Technologies began the project by thoroughly understanding the client's requirements and expectations for the NFT marketplace. The team assigned a dedicated designer and project manager to collaborate closely with the client and ensure effective communication throughout the development process.

            Furthermore, the development team will implement the functionality to upload both 2D and 3D NFTs, aligning with the client's vision of providing a comprehensive range of digital art for sale and purchase.


            BrainX Technologies is working on delivering a fully functional NFT marketplace for BallrNFT. The initial phase is focused on designing and launching the website, comprising eight static web pages: Home, Collections, Marketplace, Profile, Wallet, Create, Login/Signup, and More. Adobe XD is being utilized for frontend UI designs, allowing for a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

            The next step will involve integrating popular cryptocurrency wallets, namely MetaMask and Coinbase, to facilitate seamless transactions within the marketplace. The wallet integration requires expertise in Node.js for the backend and React.js for the frontend, enabling secure and reliable wallet connectivity.

            By seamlessly integrating MetaMask and Coinbase wallets, the marketplace will allow buyers and sellers to securely transact with their preferred cryptocurrency wallets. The inclusion of both 2D and 3D NFTs broadens the range of digital art available, providing a unique selling point for BallrNFT.



            The successful implementation of the BallrNFT project will have several significant impacts. Firstly, the client will obtain a fully functional NFT marketplace that caters to the growing demand for digital art trading. The platform will further empower artists and collectors to showcase and trade their creations in a secure and user-friendly environment.

            Here is the client's plan for the future phases of BallrNFT:

            • Buyer/seller chat: Facilitate direct communication and negotiation between participants, fostering a sense of community and smoother transactions.
            • Add friends: Allow users to connect with like-minded individuals, expanding their networks and sharing their unreleased collections without putting it in the open market.
            • Hide NFTs: Grant users control over their collections, allowing them to curate and personalize their marketplace experience.
            • Create Custom NFT Groups: Users can create and name groups of the NFTs to display it on their NFT wallet & Favorites Screen.
            • VR Space (Virtual Showroom): Create an immersive environment for users to visualize and appreciate 3D NFTs, revolutionizing the digital art experience. 

            Tools & Technologies

            • Adobe XD
            • Miro
            • ReactJS
            • NodeJS
            • Solidity

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              Kelp, an up and coming fintech startup, recognized the growing need for a user-friendly investment app that empowers individuals to manage their portfolios autonomously while offering self-custody for enhanced financial freedom.

              Team Kelp sought the expertise of BrainX Technologies to leverage blockchain technology and develop a cutting-edge solution that could revolutionize the investment landscape.



              BrainX Technologies embarked on a comprehensive collaboration with Kelp to design and implement an innovative investment app that would harness the potential of blockchain and smart contracts.

              The team at BrainX meticulously analyzed Kelp's requirements, taking into account their unique approach to investing. Kelp’s key focus areas included algorithmic signaling, disciplined strategies, circuit breakers, machine learning integration, and continuous backtesting.



              To bring Kelp's vision to life, BrainX Technologies employed a range of technologies and frameworks. The development process revolved around creating a robust and secure ecosystem that facilitated seamless investment management.

              The following components were instrumental in the successful execution of the project:

              1- Smart Contract Development
              BrainX leveraged their expertise in solidity to create the foundational building blocks of Kelp's investment platform. Smart contracts were implemented to ensure transparent and tamper-proof execution of investment transactions.

              2- Tokenization
              BrainX facilitated the tokenization process, enabling Kelp to issue their own cryptocurrency tokens. This allowed users to invest in the app's ecosystem, contributing to its growth and sustainability while providing added value to token holders.

              3- Developing Crowdsale Contract
              To support Kelp's funding needs and enable a streamlined investment mechanism, BrainX developed a crowdsale contract. This contract empowered Kelp to privately conduct token sales to interested investors, providing them with an opportunity to participate in the platform's growth from the early stages.

              To achieve the vision of a robust and user-friendly investment app for Kelp, BrainX Technologies employed Solidity, for developing smart contracts on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), NodeJS and ReactJS.



              The collaboration between BrainX Technologies and Kelp resulted in the successful development and deployment of a blockchain-powered investment app that revolutionized the way individuals manage their portfolios. The impact of the provided solution can be summarized as follows:

              • Empowered Autonomy
                Kelp's investment app empowered everyday users to autonomously manage their investment portfolios.
              • Enhanced Financial Opportunities
                Through the app's integration with hedge fund algorithms and pre-built strategies, users gained access to a wide range of investment opportunities.
              • Decentralized Self-Custody
                Kelp's commitment to decentralization aligned perfectly with BrainX's expertise in blockchain technology. The app's self-custody feature ensured that users had full control over their assets, promoting true financial freedom and eliminating the need for intermediaries.
                Building upon the success of the initial collaboration, BrainX Technologies and Kelp have outlined the following future plans:
              • Vesting Contract
                BrainX will be developing a vesting contract that facilitates the fair distribution of tokens among organizations, developers, and other stakeholders. Such a contract will promote a balanced token distribution strategy, ensuring long-term sustainability for Kelp's ecosystem.
              • Single Asset Liquidity Pool
                To further enhance the app's functionality and liquidity, BrainX will work on the development of a single asset liquidity pool. It will enable users to easily trade and exchange their assets within the Kelp ecosystem, fostering a dynamic and vibrant investment community.
              • Bridging BSC to Ethereum
                With BrainX Technologies help, Kelp intends to bridge Binance Smart Chain to the Ethereum network in the future. It will provide users with an additional option when it comes to managing their assets and investments.

              Tools & Technologies

              • Figma
              • Miro
              • ReactJS
              • NodeJS
              • Solidity

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                IAmClovis, an online shop for supplements and superfoods, approached BrainX Technologies seeking assistance in addressing several issues with their existing e-commerce platform. Their store's user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) were flawed, leading to suboptimal conversion rates and customer dissatisfaction.

                The client desired a complete overhaul of their platform, including a theme redesign, migration of their subscription app, theme customization, and a custom app development to improve user engagement and conversions.


                BrainX Technologies conducted a thorough analysis of IAmClovis's existing e-commerce setup, identified pain points, and assessed their specific requirements. The development team collaborated closely with Team Clovis to understand their business goals and vision for the redesigned platform. Once the changes were proposed by our team and accepted by the client, we moved forward with the process of providing a comprehensive ecommerce solution.



                With a 360° approach, BrainX Technologies successfully addressed the challenges faced by IAmClovis. The combined efforts of the development team, design experts, and close collaboration with the client resulted in the following solutions:

                1. Sales Funnel Creation: BrainX Technologies formulated a strategic sales funnel to optimize the customer journey, from initial awareness to final purchase. The new funnel aimed to streamline the purchasing process and improve customer retention.

                2. Theme Redesign (UI/UX): The existing flawed UI/UX was a major concern for IAmClovis. BrainX Technologies applied their expertise in design and e-commerce to revamp the platform's look and feel. The focus was on enhancing user navigation, visual appeal, and overall shopping experience.

                3. Subscription App Migration: The client was using Recharge for managing subscriptions, but BrainX Technologies recommended migrating to Seal subscriptions for better integration with the redesigned platform. This ensured a seamless transition for existing subscribers and simplified subscription management.

                4. Theme Customization: BrainX Technologies tailored the chosen Shopify theme to align with IAmClovis's brand identity, ensuring consistency across all pages and user touchpoints.

                5. Custom App Development: To enhance user engagement, BrainX Technologies developed a custom Quiz Module using Shopify. This feature allowed the client to create, modify, and manage quiz questions easily. Customers could now answer personalized questions and receive valuable insights such as BMI results, daily calorie recommendations, water intake guidelines, and more.



                The collaboration with BrainX Technologies had a profound impact on IAmClovis's ecommerce platform:

                • Increased Conversion Rates: The optimized sales funnel and improved UI/UX design led to a significant increase in conversion rates, translating into higher revenue for IAmClovis.
                • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: The revamped platform received positive feedback from customers, leading to improved satisfaction levels and increased brand loyalty.
                • Streamlined Subscription Management: The seamless migration to Seal subscriptions resulted in efficient subscription management, reducing administrative overhead and ensuring smooth operations.
                • Improved User Engagement: The interactive Quiz Module attracted more customer participation, providing valuable insights and recommendations, thereby encouraging repeat visits and purchases.

                In conclusion, BrainX Technologies successfully transformed IAmClovis's online shop for supplements and superfoods into a user-friendly, visually appealing, and efficient e-commerce platform. The year-long partnership between BrainX Technologies and IAmClovis demonstrated the power of e-commerce development in achieving business objectives and delivering an exceptional shopping experience to customers

                Tools & Technologies

                • Shopify
                • HTML
                • CSS
                • Javascript
                • Liquid
                • NodeJS

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                  Driven Day, a leading provider of physical day planners, recognized the need to expand their offerings into the hands of mobile device users. They sought to leverage the growing popularity of mobile devices and provide their customers with convenient and feature-rich mobile applications.

                  Thus, BrainX Technologies was approached to develop a mobile version of the physical Driven Day planners for iOS and Android platforms. The goal was to create user-friendly and efficient apps that seamlessly integrate with the existing Driven Day ecosystem.



                  BrainX Technologies adopted a comprehensive approach to ensure the successful development of the Driven Day mobile applications. The project team consisted of a UI/UX designer, an Android developer, an iOS developer, a QA engineer, and a project manager.

                  The project commenced with in-depth discussions and analysis of the client's requirements, including the desired features and functionalities. BrainX Technologies collaborated closely with Driven Day's team to gain a thorough understanding of their business processes and user expectations. Our collaborative approach facilitated the identification of key design elements, app flow, and technical specification


                  The BrainX team designed and developed the Driven Day mobile app, focusing on providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. The following key features were implemented:

                  1- Choosing between Standard & Religious Planners: Users could select their preferred planner type based on their needs and preferences.

                  2- Add Tasks & Set Reminders: Users could easily add tasks and set reminders to ensure the timely completion of their daily activities. 

                  3- Add Images & Documents to Tasks: The app allows users to attach images and documents to their tasks, providing them with a convenient way to organize and reference related files.

                  4- Add Task to Google Calendar or iCalendar: Integration with popular calendar platforms enabled users to sync their Driven Day tasks with their existing calendars, ensuring a unified view of their schedule.

                  5- Share Tasks: Users could share tasks with colleagues, friends, or family, fostering collaboration and enhancing productivity.

                  6- Notification of Reminders & Shared Tasks: The app sends timely notifications for reminders and updates related to shared tasks, ensuring that users stay informed and never miss important events. 

                  The Android & iOS apps were developed using Kotlin and Swift respectively, ensuring native performance and optimal user experience. Additionally, BrainX Technologies developed a Web Admin panel using the MERN stack to empower Driven Day's team with efficient management and oversight capabilities.


                  The collaboration between BrainX Technologies and Driven Day resulted in highly successful mobile applications. The Driven Day mobile apps provided users with a seamless transition from the physical planners to a digital platform, offering a range of intuitive features to enhance their productivity and organization. 

                  The app's integration with Google Calendar and iCalendar enabled users to seamlessly manage their tasks across different platforms, promoting efficiency and ease of use. The ability to share tasks improved collaboration and communication among users, streamlining teamwork and project management. Traditional planners had nothing to offer for reminders and collaborations but the Driven Day app has overcome such limitations, allowing for higher productivity.

                  In conclusion, the Driven Day mobile app developed by BrainX Technologies provided a compelling solution that transformed the traditional day planner experience into a dynamic and efficient digital tool, enabling users to stay organized, productive, and in control of their daily lives.

                  Tools & Technologies

                  • Android
                  • iOS
                  • Kotlin
                  • Swift
                  • Figma
                  • Miro
                  • ReactJS
                  • MongoDB
                  • NodeJS
                  • ExpressJS

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                    Zytrack, a leading provider of time tracking solutions, identified a significant opportunity to revolutionize the time tracking process for temporary workers, specifically targeting construction workers. The existing manual time tracking system was fraught with inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and compliance challenges.

                    Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, Zytrack sought the expertise of BrainX Technologies to develop a cutting-edge app that would streamline the time tracking process, client approval workflow, and contract compliance.



                    BrainX Technologies collaborated closely with Zytrack to devise an innovative solution that would address the pain points faced by temporary workers. By leveraging our development expertise, Team BrainX designed and implemented the Zytrack app for iOS & Android, integrating it seamlessly with a web version of Zytrack for enhanced functionality and data transfer. 

                    Our inclusive approach ensured a robust and efficient system that would transform the time tracking experience for temporary workers while meeting the requirements of all parties involved.


                    With the help of BrainX Technologies, the Zytrack app was meticulously developed, incorporating several essential features to optimize time tracking and compliance for temporary workers. The salient functionalities included in the initial phase of the app's implementation were:

                    1- GPS Functionality: The Zytrack app seamlessly integrated GPS tracking, allowing precise location tracking and accurate time reporting for workers on the go.
                    2- Work-Related Expenses: Workers could effortlessly record work-related expenses directly within the app, simplifying expense tracking and minimizing administrative burdens.
                    3- Contract and Payroll Management: Companies can efficiently manage contracts and streamline payroll processes with Zytrack's integrated Contract and Payroll Management feature.
                    4- Chat Functionality: The app featured a robust chat feature that facilitated seamless communication and collaboration among workers, clients, and agencies, streamlining the entire workflow.
                    5- Long-Term Events Screen: A dedicated section within the app was developed to enable workers to log long-term events such as holidays, maternity leave, and other absences. This feature empowered workers to easily manage their time-off requests while ensuring compliance with HR regulations.

                    To further enhance the app's capabilities, BrainX Technologies identified open items for future development. These included features like employee contract termination and the possibility of using the app offline. Additionally, suggestions were made to improve user experience by providing limited access to certain screens when offline, with clear prompts to connect to the internet for seamless data synchronization.



                    The collaboration between Zytrack and BrainX Technologies yielded significant positive outcomes for both temporary workers and the involved stakeholders. The key impacts of the Zytrack app solution are as follows:

                    1- Improved Efficiency: The digitization of the time tracking process eliminated the need for manual data entry and cumbersome paper-based time sheets.
                    2- Enhanced Accuracy: The Zytrack app ensured accurate time tracking, minimizing errors and discrepancies, improving the payroll accuracy and reducing worked hours related disputes.
                    3- Streamlined Compliance: By integrating contract specifications, the app automatically adapted hourly rates based on tracked hours, ensuring compliance with trade union contracts.
                    4- Effective Communication: The built-in chat functionality fostered seamless communication between workers, clients, and agencies, enabling quick issue resolution, better coordination, and improved collaboration.
                    5- Scalability & Growth Potential: The Zytrack app showed its potential for scalability and wider adoption in various industries with features planned for next phases, such as standalone registration, expanded user base, and enhanced team management capabilities.
                    By leveraging the technical expertise of BrainX Technologies, Zytrack successfully transformed the time tracking experience for temporary workers.The platform is empowering its users with an efficient and compliant solution that streamlines operations, reduces administrative burdens, and paves the way for improved productivity.

                    Tools & Technologies

                    • Android
                    • iOS
                    • Kotlin
                    • Swift
                    • Adobe XD
                    • Miro
                    • ROR

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