WorkOf’s showrooms were already pretty popular in the masses, but as they say, “sky is the limit”, the team wanted to move up their game a few steps ahead.

The plan was to create something that will help the next generations of skillful crafters reach the market in a much effective and efficient manner, and what’s a better way to do so than by using the internet? So, based on an ever-increasing trend in online consumerism, they decided to go fully online.

Even though WorkOf had a functional e-commerce store previously built for maintaining an online presence, but it wasn’t a deal-breaker. So, the team decided to re-launch by jumping-in with a grand e-commerce store built with advanced features that may prove to be a game-changer for the company.



To pull off this superb idea, team WorkOf contacted BrainX to deliver their unmatched services. The basic idea here was to create an automated flow of information between designers and consumers in a highly interactive mode, making the platform equipped with the following functionalities: Automated notification process for both designers and customers to streamline communications. Exclusive profiles for designers to showcase their products in the most attractive way possible. Enhanced UI for a better customer and vendor experience.



After their preliminary examination of the previous store, our experts at BrainX found out that it was built by using an older version of ROR (Ruby on Rails). Keeping in mind the higher customizability of this framework and the potential needs of WorkOf, the team decided to use the “Solidus Framework” which is also based on ROR. More so, using the same framework platform allowed our teams to smoothly migrate the old data, saving up a lot of our time. After that, our professionals streamlined the communications by creating an automated notification process. Whereby, 

  • The designers will get instantly notified via email whenever the customers place any orders. 
  • The customers will receive automated receipts and other order-related information in their emails. 
  • The customers will be able to track their orders conveniently. 



WorkOf ultimately achieved their goal of having a top of the rate online store for contemporary interior design items. The company grew at a fast pace in its first few months, and it now houses 300+ design objects from over 40 leading designers. The platform aided the designers and customers with the following: Single and convenient spot with numerous design items. Much more accessibility than offline stores. Higher number of sales due to an increased reach.

Tools & Technologies

  • Figma
  • Miro
  • ROR
  • AWS

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    Zytrack, a leading provider of time tracking solutions, identified a significant opportunity to revolutionize the time tracking process for temporary workers, specifically targeting construction workers. The existing manual time tracking system was fraught with inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and compliance challenges.

    Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, Zytrack sought the expertise of BrainX Technologies to develop a cutting-edge app that would streamline the time tracking process, client approval workflow, and contract compliance.



    BrainX Technologies collaborated closely with Zytrack to devise an innovative solution that would address the pain points faced by temporary workers. By leveraging our development expertise, Team BrainX designed and implemented the Zytrack app for iOS & Android, integrating it seamlessly with a web version of Zytrack for enhanced functionality and data transfer. 

    Our inclusive approach ensured a robust and efficient system that would transform the time tracking experience for temporary workers while meeting the requirements of all parties involved.


    With the help of BrainX Technologies, the Zytrack app was meticulously developed, incorporating several essential features to optimize time tracking and compliance for temporary workers. The salient functionalities included in the initial phase of the app's implementation were:

    1- GPS Functionality: The Zytrack app seamlessly integrated GPS tracking, allowing precise location tracking and accurate time reporting for workers on the go.
    2- Work-Related Expenses: Workers could effortlessly record work-related expenses directly within the app, simplifying expense tracking and minimizing administrative burdens.
    3- Contract and Payroll Management: Companies can efficiently manage contracts and streamline payroll processes with Zytrack's integrated Contract and Payroll Management feature.
    4- Chat Functionality: The app featured a robust chat feature that facilitated seamless communication and collaboration among workers, clients, and agencies, streamlining the entire workflow.
    5- Long-Term Events Screen: A dedicated section within the app was developed to enable workers to log long-term events such as holidays, maternity leave, and other absences. This feature empowered workers to easily manage their time-off requests while ensuring compliance with HR regulations.

    To further enhance the app's capabilities, BrainX Technologies identified open items for future development. These included features like employee contract termination and the possibility of using the app offline. Additionally, suggestions were made to improve user experience by providing limited access to certain screens when offline, with clear prompts to connect to the internet for seamless data synchronization.



    The collaboration between Zytrack and BrainX Technologies yielded significant positive outcomes for both temporary workers and the involved stakeholders. The key impacts of the Zytrack app solution are as follows:

    1- Improved Efficiency: The digitization of the time tracking process eliminated the need for manual data entry and cumbersome paper-based time sheets.
    2- Enhanced Accuracy: The Zytrack app ensured accurate time tracking, minimizing errors and discrepancies, improving the payroll accuracy and reducing worked hours related disputes.
    3- Streamlined Compliance: By integrating contract specifications, the app automatically adapted hourly rates based on tracked hours, ensuring compliance with trade union contracts.
    4- Effective Communication: The built-in chat functionality fostered seamless communication between workers, clients, and agencies, enabling quick issue resolution, better coordination, and improved collaboration.
    5- Scalability & Growth Potential: The Zytrack app showed its potential for scalability and wider adoption in various industries with features planned for next phases, such as standalone registration, expanded user base, and enhanced team management capabilities.
    By leveraging the technical expertise of BrainX Technologies, Zytrack successfully transformed the time tracking experience for temporary workers.The platform is empowering its users with an efficient and compliant solution that streamlines operations, reduces administrative burdens, and paves the way for improved productivity.

    Tools & Technologies

    • Android
    • iOS
    • Kotlin
    • Swift
    • Adobe XD
    • Miro
    • ROR

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      Drive Mouse, Inc., a forward-thinking company, recognized the growing need for car dealerships and sales teams to efficiently manage their client interactions in a rapidly changing business landscape.

      Our client identified the opportunity to develop an all-in-one communication tool that would streamline and enhance the connection between car dealership companies and their clients.

      BrainX Technologies was approached by Drive Mouse, Inc. to develop a powerful, user-friendly Customer Relationship Management platform that would meet all of their business needs.



      BrainX Technologies worked closely with team Drive Mouse to understand their vision and the specific requirements for the ClientDex app. Our team took a holistic approach, focusing on an intuitive user experience, visually appealing design, and robust functionality. To ensure a seamless and efficient development process, we employed Agile methodology, enabling our UI/UX designers and product developers to collaborate effectively and adapt to evolving requirements.
      Through iterative cycles of planning, design, development, and testing, our team was able to quickly respond to changes and incorporate feedback from Drive Mouse, Inc. Our approach allowed us to maintain a constant focus on the end-users' needs and the overall quality of the ClientDex app, leading to a tailored solution that met the demands of the target audience.


      BrainX Technologies delivered a comprehensive solution with the ClientDex app, offering a modern design and powerful tools that cater to the needs of businesses and sales teams. 

      The CRM app enables users to store customer data, make and receive calls, send and receive SMS & MMS, and even collect payments when deemed necessary. Team BrainX has designed and developed the app for both iOS and Android platforms, as well as a web version for increased accessibility. 

      The core functionalities of the ClientDex app encompass:

      • Creating a Showroom: Users with an Admin account can create their car showroom.
      • Four dashboards: Separate dashboards for the Super Admin, Manager(s), Salespersons (employees), and Organization.
      • Intuitive client list management: Allows users to add a client, delete a client record, search for clients using their names and numbers, and edit client information.
      • Efficient note creation: Enables users to quickly create and manage notes for every client.
      • Dedicated data drive: Facilitates the addition of photos and files to enhance communication and record-keeping for each client.
      • Chat functionality: Streamlines real-time text communication between users and clients from within the app to actual phone numbers.
      • Calls and voicemail management: Users can make and receive calls, and handle voicemails with in-app support for real phone numbers.
      • Detailed communication statistics: Provides insights into call, SMS, and MMS data, helping users analyze and optimize their communication efforts.
      • Business cards: Users can create and edit their own business cards to share it with their clients through email, text or a virtual link.

      These features were designed using industry-leading tools, such as Adobe XD, Photoshop, and Illustrator, to ensure a high-quality user experience.


      The collaboration between Team BrainX and Team Drive Mouse resulted in the successful launch of the ClientDex app that has quickly gained traction among auto dealership businesses and their sales teams. 

      The app's versatile features and user-friendly interface have enabled users to effectively manage client interactions, improving overall productivity and strengthening client relationships. 

      The positive feedback and growing user base indicate the significant impact the ClientDex app has had in addressing the communication challenges faced by modern businesses. As a result, BrainX Technologies and Drive Mouse, Inc. have built a lasting partnership, continuing for over 3 years, committed to delivering exceptional products that cater to the evolving needs of their customers.

      Tools & Technologies

      • Android
      • iOS
      • Kotlin
      • Swift
      • Adobe XD
      • Miro
      • ROR

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