Momentary Ink was looking to streamline their online buyers’ experience for the Spring/Summer season as they were facing quite a lot of challenges from both the Front-end and Backend sides of their system.

From the frontend side, they were facing the following issues:
The website pages were taking more than the normal time to load, which was impacting the overall site’s performance.
There were notable glitches and bugs on the web pages that were not only spoiling the user experience but were also making the site look cheaper. The site was not properly optimized for mobile devices. They wanted to get some of their web pages revamped in terms of design and functionality, so the overall customer experience could be enhanced.

Whereas, from the backend side, they had the following issues: Whenever a new order was created, it was redirected to the designers, who would convert them into high-resolution vector images. The records for all these orders were uploaded into cloud storage, which eventually maxed out. Momentary Ink used two servers to support its backend operations. Unfortunately, one of these two servers went down. So, they needed a new server that could imitate the functionality of the lost one.



Momentary Ink approached BrainX to solve this problem for them. Our teams sat down together to study the case and brainstorm ideas to provide the best solution for their e-commerce store. The idea was to refine the website experience, from both frontend and backend aspects, so that a better user experience could be created for their customers in the future.



Our team worked hard to finally solve all the errors that Momentary Ink was facing in its online operations. For Frontend issues, our team:

Optimized the speed of all the web pages of the site, which improved their search engine ranking. Eliminated major glitches that were jeopardizing the frontend user experience.Made all the web pages highly optimized for mobile devices.

Moreover, our team used the A/B testing method while re-designing the pages. In this method, two different variants of each page were created and were presented to different customers – whichever page performed better (in terms of sales) was then finalized for the site.
For Backend issues, our team Erased all the unnecessary data related to older customer orders, thus freeing up a lot of space in the cloud for newer data. Created a new server by mimicking the operations of the existing server and successfully integrated it with the system.



The end product was quite useful for Momentary Ink, as it not only streamlined their backend operations but also improved their customer experience, which was apparent in the form of the site’s visitor count. 

So, now the company could offer its customers a platform that provided

  • Pleasant design
  • Easy navigation between pages
  • Convenient check-out options
  • Better customer support

Tools & Technologies

  • Shopify
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Liquid
  • NodeJS

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    BallrNFT, a client in the digital art industry, approached BrainX Technologies with the opportunity to develop a proprietary NFT marketplace. The client's goal was to create a platform where sellers and buyers could trade NFTs, integrating popular cryptocurrency wallets such as MetaMask and Coinbase. 

    The unique aspect of the marketplace was the inclusion of both 2D and 3D design NFTs in a single mint, providing a comprehensive selling and purchasing experience.


    BrainX Technologies began the project by thoroughly understanding the client's requirements and expectations for the NFT marketplace. The team assigned a dedicated designer and project manager to collaborate closely with the client and ensure effective communication throughout the development process.

    Furthermore, the development team will implement the functionality to upload both 2D and 3D NFTs, aligning with the client's vision of providing a comprehensive range of digital art for sale and purchase.


    BrainX Technologies is working on delivering a fully functional NFT marketplace for BallrNFT. The initial phase is focused on designing and launching the website, comprising eight static web pages: Home, Collections, Marketplace, Profile, Wallet, Create, Login/Signup, and More. Adobe XD is being utilized for frontend UI designs, allowing for a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

    The next step will involve integrating popular cryptocurrency wallets, namely MetaMask and Coinbase, to facilitate seamless transactions within the marketplace. The wallet integration requires expertise in Node.js for the backend and React.js for the frontend, enabling secure and reliable wallet connectivity.

    By seamlessly integrating MetaMask and Coinbase wallets, the marketplace will allow buyers and sellers to securely transact with their preferred cryptocurrency wallets. The inclusion of both 2D and 3D NFTs broadens the range of digital art available, providing a unique selling point for BallrNFT.



    The successful implementation of the BallrNFT project will have several significant impacts. Firstly, the client will obtain a fully functional NFT marketplace that caters to the growing demand for digital art trading. The platform will further empower artists and collectors to showcase and trade their creations in a secure and user-friendly environment.

    Here is the client's plan for the future phases of BallrNFT:

    • Buyer/seller chat: Facilitate direct communication and negotiation between participants, fostering a sense of community and smoother transactions.
    • Add friends: Allow users to connect with like-minded individuals, expanding their networks and sharing their unreleased collections without putting it in the open market.
    • Hide NFTs: Grant users control over their collections, allowing them to curate and personalize their marketplace experience.
    • Create Custom NFT Groups: Users can create and name groups of the NFTs to display it on their NFT wallet & Favorites Screen.
    • VR Space (Virtual Showroom): Create an immersive environment for users to visualize and appreciate 3D NFTs, revolutionizing the digital art experience. 

    Tools & Technologies

    • Adobe XD
    • Miro
    • ReactJS
    • NodeJS
    • Solidity

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      Kelp, an up and coming fintech startup, recognized the growing need for a user-friendly investment app that empowers individuals to manage their portfolios autonomously while offering self-custody for enhanced financial freedom.

      Team Kelp sought the expertise of BrainX Technologies to leverage blockchain technology and develop a cutting-edge solution that could revolutionize the investment landscape.



      BrainX Technologies embarked on a comprehensive collaboration with Kelp to design and implement an innovative investment app that would harness the potential of blockchain and smart contracts.

      The team at BrainX meticulously analyzed Kelp's requirements, taking into account their unique approach to investing. Kelp’s key focus areas included algorithmic signaling, disciplined strategies, circuit breakers, machine learning integration, and continuous backtesting.



      To bring Kelp's vision to life, BrainX Technologies employed a range of technologies and frameworks. The development process revolved around creating a robust and secure ecosystem that facilitated seamless investment management.

      The following components were instrumental in the successful execution of the project:

      1- Smart Contract Development
      BrainX leveraged their expertise in solidity to create the foundational building blocks of Kelp's investment platform. Smart contracts were implemented to ensure transparent and tamper-proof execution of investment transactions.

      2- Tokenization
      BrainX facilitated the tokenization process, enabling Kelp to issue their own cryptocurrency tokens. This allowed users to invest in the app's ecosystem, contributing to its growth and sustainability while providing added value to token holders.

      3- Developing Crowdsale Contract
      To support Kelp's funding needs and enable a streamlined investment mechanism, BrainX developed a crowdsale contract. This contract empowered Kelp to privately conduct token sales to interested investors, providing them with an opportunity to participate in the platform's growth from the early stages.

      To achieve the vision of a robust and user-friendly investment app for Kelp, BrainX Technologies employed Solidity, for developing smart contracts on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), NodeJS and ReactJS.



      The collaboration between BrainX Technologies and Kelp resulted in the successful development and deployment of a blockchain-powered investment app that revolutionized the way individuals manage their portfolios. The impact of the provided solution can be summarized as follows:

      • Empowered Autonomy
        Kelp's investment app empowered everyday users to autonomously manage their investment portfolios.
      • Enhanced Financial Opportunities
        Through the app's integration with hedge fund algorithms and pre-built strategies, users gained access to a wide range of investment opportunities.
      • Decentralized Self-Custody
        Kelp's commitment to decentralization aligned perfectly with BrainX's expertise in blockchain technology. The app's self-custody feature ensured that users had full control over their assets, promoting true financial freedom and eliminating the need for intermediaries.
        Building upon the success of the initial collaboration, BrainX Technologies and Kelp have outlined the following future plans:
      • Vesting Contract
        BrainX will be developing a vesting contract that facilitates the fair distribution of tokens among organizations, developers, and other stakeholders. Such a contract will promote a balanced token distribution strategy, ensuring long-term sustainability for Kelp's ecosystem.
      • Single Asset Liquidity Pool
        To further enhance the app's functionality and liquidity, BrainX will work on the development of a single asset liquidity pool. It will enable users to easily trade and exchange their assets within the Kelp ecosystem, fostering a dynamic and vibrant investment community.
      • Bridging BSC to Ethereum
        With BrainX Technologies help, Kelp intends to bridge Binance Smart Chain to the Ethereum network in the future. It will provide users with an additional option when it comes to managing their assets and investments.

      Tools & Technologies

      • Figma
      • Miro
      • ReactJS
      • NodeJS
      • Solidity

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        IAmClovis, an online shop for supplements and superfoods, approached BrainX Technologies seeking assistance in addressing several issues with their existing e-commerce platform. Their store's user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) were flawed, leading to suboptimal conversion rates and customer dissatisfaction.

        The client desired a complete overhaul of their platform, including a theme redesign, migration of their subscription app, theme customization, and a custom app development to improve user engagement and conversions.


        BrainX Technologies conducted a thorough analysis of IAmClovis's existing e-commerce setup, identified pain points, and assessed their specific requirements. The development team collaborated closely with Team Clovis to understand their business goals and vision for the redesigned platform. Once the changes were proposed by our team and accepted by the client, we moved forward with the process of providing a comprehensive ecommerce solution.



        With a 360° approach, BrainX Technologies successfully addressed the challenges faced by IAmClovis. The combined efforts of the development team, design experts, and close collaboration with the client resulted in the following solutions:

        1. Sales Funnel Creation: BrainX Technologies formulated a strategic sales funnel to optimize the customer journey, from initial awareness to final purchase. The new funnel aimed to streamline the purchasing process and improve customer retention.

        2. Theme Redesign (UI/UX): The existing flawed UI/UX was a major concern for IAmClovis. BrainX Technologies applied their expertise in design and e-commerce to revamp the platform's look and feel. The focus was on enhancing user navigation, visual appeal, and overall shopping experience.

        3. Subscription App Migration: The client was using Recharge for managing subscriptions, but BrainX Technologies recommended migrating to Seal subscriptions for better integration with the redesigned platform. This ensured a seamless transition for existing subscribers and simplified subscription management.

        4. Theme Customization: BrainX Technologies tailored the chosen Shopify theme to align with IAmClovis's brand identity, ensuring consistency across all pages and user touchpoints.

        5. Custom App Development: To enhance user engagement, BrainX Technologies developed a custom Quiz Module using Shopify. This feature allowed the client to create, modify, and manage quiz questions easily. Customers could now answer personalized questions and receive valuable insights such as BMI results, daily calorie recommendations, water intake guidelines, and more.



        The collaboration with BrainX Technologies had a profound impact on IAmClovis's ecommerce platform:

        • Increased Conversion Rates: The optimized sales funnel and improved UI/UX design led to a significant increase in conversion rates, translating into higher revenue for IAmClovis.
        • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: The revamped platform received positive feedback from customers, leading to improved satisfaction levels and increased brand loyalty.
        • Streamlined Subscription Management: The seamless migration to Seal subscriptions resulted in efficient subscription management, reducing administrative overhead and ensuring smooth operations.
        • Improved User Engagement: The interactive Quiz Module attracted more customer participation, providing valuable insights and recommendations, thereby encouraging repeat visits and purchases.

        In conclusion, BrainX Technologies successfully transformed IAmClovis's online shop for supplements and superfoods into a user-friendly, visually appealing, and efficient e-commerce platform. The year-long partnership between BrainX Technologies and IAmClovis demonstrated the power of e-commerce development in achieving business objectives and delivering an exceptional shopping experience to customers

        Tools & Technologies

        • Shopify
        • HTML
        • CSS
        • Javascript
        • Liquid
        • NodeJS

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          Upgraded Formulas is an online supplements store specializing in Mental Health Hygiene. Seeking to enhance its online presence, the company approached BrainX Technologies via a client referral. 
          The primary challenges included theme customization and site speed optimization to provide a seamless user experience while boosting their conversion rates.


          Our approach involved a comprehensive analysis of UpgradedFormulas' existing e-commerce infrastructure. Collaborating closely with the client, we gained insights into their brand identity, target audience, and overarching business objectives. We also conducted competitive research to identify industry best practices.
          Based on these findings, we devised a holistic strategy to transform UpgradedFormulas' online presence. With the client’s approval, our final strategy encompassed several key elements that we have discussed in the solution section below.


          The solution implemented by BrainX Technologies aimed at creating a cohesive and efficient e-commerce platform for UpgradedFormulas. Our team worked diligently to bring the following aspects to life:

          1- Shopify OS 2.0 Integration: Ensured the client was utilizing the latest e-commerce technologies to stay competitive.
          2- Tailored Theme Customization: We customized the theme to resonate with the client's brand identity while optimizing user experience.
          3- Site Speed Optimization: By reducing page load times and optimizing website performance, we enhanced the overall user experience.
          4- Hubspot Integration: Seamlessly connected Hubspot with their Shopify store, facilitating improved customer engagement and data management.
          5- Telephone Sales Leads Integration: Implemented a system that captured telephone sales leads directly within the Shopify platform through Hubspot integration.
          6- Shopping Cart Customization: Enhanced the cart experience, making it more intuitive and conducive to conversions.
          7- Quiz Module: Designed and integrated a custom quiz module that engages customers with questions and recommends products via email.



          The results achieved by Upgraded Formulas following the implementation of BrainX Technologies' solutions for a year are as follows:

          1- Total Sales: Increased by an impressive 36%
          2-Conversion Rate: Markedly increased by 10%
          3- Returning Customer Rate: Saw a significant uptick of 16%

          These results showcase the tangible benefits of BrainX Technologies' expertise in e-commerce development and optimization. We are committed to continuing our support for Upgraded Formulas and ensuring their sustained growth in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

          Tools & Technologies

          • Shopify
          • HTML
          • CSS
          • Javascript
          • Liquid
          • NodeJS

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          • The team will get back to you with an appropriate response in 2 days.

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            Just Thrive, a reputable provider of scientifically-backed health products, approached BrainX Technologies with the aim of improving their existing Shopify store.
            While Just Thrive had a strong online presence, they faced several challenges that hindered their e-commerce growth. So, they sought a dedicated team with proven expertise in Shopify development and a track record of delivering measurable results.
            Team Just Thrive’s ultimate goal was to create a more user-friendly and efficient online shopping experience for their customers while increasing overall sales and conversions.


            BrainX Technologies adopted a systematic approach to address the challenges faced by Just Thrive.
            The primary areas of focus were user interface and experience, custom app development, sales funnel optimization, site speed enhancement, theme customization, and implementing custom discounting logic with Shopify Plus.



            Over the past 2 to 3 years, Team BrainX has offered the following solutions for the online store.

            1- Theme Redesign (UI/UX):
            We revamped the store's visual appeal and user experience by redesigning the Shopify theme. The new design offered a clean, intuitive, and visually appealing layout, making it easier for customers to navigate the website.
            2- Custom App Development:
            To meet the unique requirements of Just Thrive's business, a custom app was developed. The app provided personalized features and functionalities to enhance customer engagement and simplify the purchase process.
            3- Sales Funnel and A/B Testing:
            Team BrainX devised a comprehensive sales funnel to guide customers through the purchasing journey efficiently. A/B testing was carried out to identify the most effective strategies to maximize conversions.
            4- Site Speed Optimization:
            Slow loading times can lead to user frustration and cart abandonment. Our team optimized the website's speed, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for visitors.
            5- Theme Customization:
            Apart from a complete redesign, specific customizations were made to the theme to align it with Just Thrive's brand identity and values, fostering brand loyalty.
            6- Custom Discounting Logic (Shopify Plus):
            With the implementation of custom discounting logic on the Shopify Plus platform, Just Thrive could offer targeted promotions and incentives to customers, boosting sales and retention.



            The results of BrainX Technologies' efforts were impressive, driving substantial improvements for Just Thrive's online store:

            • 56% Increase in Session Conversions: The enhanced user experience and optimized sales funnel significantly increased the number of visitors completing purchases.
            • 16% Increase in Orders: The streamlined shopping process and appealing design encouraged more customers to place orders.
            • 14% Increase in Total Sales: The combined effect of improved conversions and increased orders led to a notable rise in overall sales.
            • 4% Increase in Returning Customers: The personalized experience and enticing discounts encouraged more repeat business, building a loyal customer base.
            • Average Order Value (AOV) was maintained at a steady level, indicating that the increase in sales was not at the expense of sacrificing order value.

            By partnering with BrainX Technologies and embracing the recommended solutions, Just Thrive witnessed remarkable improvements in their Shopify store's performance. The successful collaboration resulted in heightened user engagement, increased sales, and a more loyal customer base. The revamped online store now reflects Just Thrive's commitment to empowering people worldwide to lead healthier lives.

            Tools & Technologies

            • Shopify
            • HTML
            • CSS
            • Javascript
            • Liquid
            • NodeJS
            • MongoDB

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            • The team will get back to you with an appropriate response in 2 days.

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              Wellnesse is an e-commerce website that offers natural and clean personal care products. The company's website had an outdated UX/UI design that resulted in poor user experience and low conversion rates. 

              Company management recognized that improving their website's UX/UI design was critical to achieving their business goals. 

              To achieve these goals, Wellnesse approached BrainX Technologies to help them redesign their website to increase their average order value and conversion rate and improve customer engagement.


              The BrainX team thoroughly analyzed Wellnesse's existing Shopify store to identify areas that needed improvement. We collaborated with the Wellnesse team to understand their brand values, target audience, and business goals. Competitor research was carried out to identify best practices in the industry.

              Based on our research, we developed a comprehensive UX/UI design strategy for the website. The strategy included a new sitemap, wireframes, and visual designs focused on improving the user experience and increasing conversions. Our team presented the design strategy to the Wellnesse team and incorporated their feedback into the final design.


              The new UX/UI design focused on simplifying the navigation, improving the product browsing experience, and increasing the visibility of essential information.

              We focused on providing larger spaces for product images, clear call-to-action buttons, and a more user-friendly checkout process. Furthermore, our team integrated features like reviews, related products, and a subscription option to improve customer retention. 

              Applying modern design principles like a minimalist design, a clear and consistent layout, and bold typography, we created a visually appealing website that aligned with Wellnesse's brand identity.


              After launching the redesigned website, Wellnesse experienced a significant improvement in its average order value and conversion rate. 

              Within a few months after deployment:

              • Total sales soared up 37%, with the average order value increasing by 17% and returning customer rate by 12%, leading to an improved conversion rate.
              • The better UX/UI design further increased customer engagement and repeated purchases.
              • The new design received positive feedback from the Wellnesse team and their customers.

              The user experience was simplified and made more intuitive, making it easier for customers to find and purchase the products they wanted in a flash. For the time being, we are providing continuous content management and support to the Wellnesse Shopify store.

              Tools & Technologies

              • Shopify
              • HTML
              • CSS
              • Javascript
              • Liquid
              • NodeJS
              • MongoDB

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              • The team will get back to you with an appropriate response in 2 days.

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